Saturday, May 31, 2014

What Kinda Mommy Are You?...And Do You Care?

So the other day I was talking about the awesome new organic products I've been stocking my home with, and how awesome it is that there are so many granola flavors out there and how I am wicked excited that my kids are willing to, and actually like eating it!

It was then that I was introduced to a phrase I had never heard before...I was told "wow your turning into a real crunchy"

You better believe as soon as I got home and managed a few minutes without one of my boys climbing all over me I fired up the computer and headed right for google.  I had no idea that there were different labels for different kinds of mothering.

So I learned that because I choose to use organic products and eat/feed my kids organic food, because I breast fed, baby wore, co-slept, use eco friendly diapers (nope not cloth) I am leaning towards being a crunchy mom. At first I was proud of the title, then I was a bit offended because I felt I was looked down upon because of it....then I came to the conclusion I just don't care.

Apparently the opposite of a crunchy mom is a silky or mainstream mom. A mom who lets her kids eat whatever, uses disposable diapers, chose to formula feed etc. I also learned that crunchy moms and silky moms will take any moment they can to put the other down for "mothering all wrong"

Well after doing my research I think I am more a scrunchy mom. You have to combine the two. Yup I do lots of the crunchy mom things, but I had my boys in a hospital, and also vaccinate them so I am not a true crunchy nor a true silky.

and here is the best part! I DONT CARE!!!
Here is what really matters...

It shouldn't matter HOW we mother, or WHAT KIND of mother we are! We are mothers. We all do our very best to take care of our littles and it shouldn't matter how we do it. We shouldn't look down on each other for being different. Women especially mothers have it hard enough, and already have society looking down on them for one thing or another! So moms here is the you and instead of looking down on another mother for doing it differently encourage her. Come along side her. We as woman and mothers need to be building each other up not bringing each other down.

So from one MOM (simply a mom) to another good job moms! Keep up the good work!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Special Day With A Dash of Bad Mom Moment

I am a firm believer in catching good behavior and giving rewards for it!

Last week J had a really hard week at school. He had multiple out bursts and even (sigh) hit another student who was bothering him. (The other child was not being a bother intentionally)It was a tough one, and all though I do NOT believe in punishing an out burns that he can't help but have, I am teaching him about being held responsible for his actions. For example he broke many of the teachers crayons and pencils so he had to use some of the allowance he had saved up to replace some of them.

So this week I was elated that he made it the entire week without any incidents not only at school but at home as well.  My husband Sr. is a tree guy who used his crane to build a HUGE (at least the biggest I've ever seen) bon fire for the Vietnam Vets to celebrate memorial day. (two things...Sr. is very patriotic so he was thrilled to do it, and apparently we do not celebrate memorial day on the actual memorial day) Well he had brought J with him that Saturday he layered all the wood for the fire, and the vets just fell in love with him and told my husband that he should bring J for the lighting of the fire last night.

That's the special day is the bad Mom moment part.  The lighting of the bonfire happened at midnight last night. Yup midnight. ad it will be burning all day today.  We were just so proud of J for doing so well this week we wanted him to know it. So we asked him if he wanted to go with Sr. to watch them light the fire. Now this wasn't a party, nor any kind of BBQ this was a quiet memorial service and remembrance of those who have passed fighting for our country. So it was very educational for J. However being they did not get home until 2am (another sigh) J stayed home from school today.

I'm not going to lie...I enjoyed him being home today. He got to do something special with Sr. last night, and with me today. In face we enjoyed an ordered lunch followed by chocolate milk shake. Something he does not frequently get. I have never seen J so calm on a full day home.  Usually half way through he brings out the string of I'm bored or begins to get fresh, but not today.

Today J has been calm, he has been compliant, he has had no melt downs, he has helped with W and has been a joy to be around.  I am very proud of him and I think that he is proud of himself.  I think J realized that he did something right. That he was getting an enormous amount of positive attention instead of an enormous amount of negative attention. I think he realized that he prefers the positive attention. I think, I hope, and I pray that this is a turning point for J.

So perhaps to the outside looking in today was a bad mom moment but in this house, in this family it was a major step forward for a lost little boy who is starting to find his way.  And lets face it...who wouldn't want an awesome bon fire and a chocolate milk shake to help them find their way?

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Batten Down The Hatches!

Summer is right around the corner!

That means it's time to batten down the hatches around here!

I wish I could say I was one of those mothers who just loves summer because that means my boys would be home with me all day every day...but then I would be a liar.

Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE my boys, and I love spending time with them. I don't however, enjoy spending time with the little monsters they seem to become around the fourth day of their summer vacation. Yes, little monsters who's weapon is the annoying repetition of "I'm board." No matter what you do, what you plan, or what you buy those little "I'm board" monsters always seem to rear their ugly heads.

These kinds of monsters also seem to have a problem with showers! Every time you think you have a moment to take a shower, you better think again! If by some miracle you manage to get in the shower, be prepared for some door banging, mom calling, fingers under the crack of the door distraction!

Don't get me wrong, sometimes dealing with the school situation for my boys can be like dealing with monsters as well, but a different kind, and at the end of an hour or two I get to leave those monsters behind. These monsters though are always around. I mean they live here, and at first glance you see these sweet, cute, adorable little boys, but let me tell you the monsters come out when you least expect it.

So since I'm relatively sure I'm not the only one out there who has these little monsters just waiting to come out here are my favorite ideas for keeping my boys occupied during summer vacation

- Anything with water! Sprinklers are the best and the easiest. If you don't have one there is an easy and cheap way to make one at home! Simply take an empty soda bottle, cut some holes in the bottom, string it up and fill it up!

- Arts and crafts box. I go to our local craft store and stock up on a bunch of supplies that are on sale. I try to get a bunch of different things for them to choose from. When they start saying they are board I pull out the box and let them choose what they want to craft, lay some news paper down and let them go at it!

-Forts! It's time to get over the neat freakiness. Although if you have children, especially if you have more than one, I'm sure you were forced to get over that a long time ago. But grab all the blankets you can find and make tent city in your living room! Give the kids plenty of books to read, or even pop in a movie. If your really daring you can every let them have a picnic in their tents! If your super lucky and set them up around nap time you may even get your kiddos to fall asleep without any tantrums since its a new, fun place to sleep.

Story Hour! Most libraries in most towns have some kind of kids story hour one day a week. It is usually free and it gives your kids a chance to sit and listen to a story and even pick out of few of their own to bring home (and maybe read in their fort) It's also time for mommy to sit down in a cool and quiet place to attempt to gather her sanity.

Good luck with your summer vacations! Good luck and God speed....I know I'm sure gonna need it!!



One way or another you have stumbled upon Put The Lid Down!
That could be a really good thing, or a really bad thing depending on your personality. I am a firm believer that in order to be a parent in general let alone a parent of kids with special needs you need to be armed with a sense of humor.
A good sense of humor is your greatest weapon against the meltdowns, messes, and millions of meetings. It is also a great tool when it comes to celebrating the awesome moments and milestones as well!

So since your on this journey with me let me tell you a bit about me and my family. 

I am a 28 year old mommy of three boys who have special needs. J has pediatric bipolar disorder, B is developmentally delayed with sensory concerns, and W is currently working with early intervention because of his lack of motor skills. I have been married to my husband Sr. for almost nine years now. I wont lie ,life can be hard some days, but I wouldn't trade a second of it! My boys are my life. Sure there are lots of meetings lots of messes and lots of meltdowns, but at the same time you will often hear ringing through our house lots of "I love you to the moon and backs", lots of laughter and many times lots of PUT THE LID DOWN!

Welcome and enjoy. Don't by shy! leave your comments and questions. However I'm all about the love so negative comments will not be tolerated. If you like what you read share it!

lots of love