Friday, May 30, 2014

Special Day With A Dash of Bad Mom Moment

I am a firm believer in catching good behavior and giving rewards for it!

Last week J had a really hard week at school. He had multiple out bursts and even (sigh) hit another student who was bothering him. (The other child was not being a bother intentionally)It was a tough one, and all though I do NOT believe in punishing an out burns that he can't help but have, I am teaching him about being held responsible for his actions. For example he broke many of the teachers crayons and pencils so he had to use some of the allowance he had saved up to replace some of them.

So this week I was elated that he made it the entire week without any incidents not only at school but at home as well.  My husband Sr. is a tree guy who used his crane to build a HUGE (at least the biggest I've ever seen) bon fire for the Vietnam Vets to celebrate memorial day. (two things...Sr. is very patriotic so he was thrilled to do it, and apparently we do not celebrate memorial day on the actual memorial day) Well he had brought J with him that Saturday he layered all the wood for the fire, and the vets just fell in love with him and told my husband that he should bring J for the lighting of the fire last night.

That's the special day is the bad Mom moment part.  The lighting of the bonfire happened at midnight last night. Yup midnight. ad it will be burning all day today.  We were just so proud of J for doing so well this week we wanted him to know it. So we asked him if he wanted to go with Sr. to watch them light the fire. Now this wasn't a party, nor any kind of BBQ this was a quiet memorial service and remembrance of those who have passed fighting for our country. So it was very educational for J. However being they did not get home until 2am (another sigh) J stayed home from school today.

I'm not going to lie...I enjoyed him being home today. He got to do something special with Sr. last night, and with me today. In face we enjoyed an ordered lunch followed by chocolate milk shake. Something he does not frequently get. I have never seen J so calm on a full day home.  Usually half way through he brings out the string of I'm bored or begins to get fresh, but not today.

Today J has been calm, he has been compliant, he has had no melt downs, he has helped with W and has been a joy to be around.  I am very proud of him and I think that he is proud of himself.  I think J realized that he did something right. That he was getting an enormous amount of positive attention instead of an enormous amount of negative attention. I think he realized that he prefers the positive attention. I think, I hope, and I pray that this is a turning point for J.

So perhaps to the outside looking in today was a bad mom moment but in this house, in this family it was a major step forward for a lost little boy who is starting to find his way.  And lets face it...who wouldn't want an awesome bon fire and a chocolate milk shake to help them find their way?

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