Saturday, May 31, 2014

What Kinda Mommy Are You?...And Do You Care?

So the other day I was talking about the awesome new organic products I've been stocking my home with, and how awesome it is that there are so many granola flavors out there and how I am wicked excited that my kids are willing to, and actually like eating it!

It was then that I was introduced to a phrase I had never heard before...I was told "wow your turning into a real crunchy"

You better believe as soon as I got home and managed a few minutes without one of my boys climbing all over me I fired up the computer and headed right for google.  I had no idea that there were different labels for different kinds of mothering.

So I learned that because I choose to use organic products and eat/feed my kids organic food, because I breast fed, baby wore, co-slept, use eco friendly diapers (nope not cloth) I am leaning towards being a crunchy mom. At first I was proud of the title, then I was a bit offended because I felt I was looked down upon because of it....then I came to the conclusion I just don't care.

Apparently the opposite of a crunchy mom is a silky or mainstream mom. A mom who lets her kids eat whatever, uses disposable diapers, chose to formula feed etc. I also learned that crunchy moms and silky moms will take any moment they can to put the other down for "mothering all wrong"

Well after doing my research I think I am more a scrunchy mom. You have to combine the two. Yup I do lots of the crunchy mom things, but I had my boys in a hospital, and also vaccinate them so I am not a true crunchy nor a true silky.

and here is the best part! I DONT CARE!!!
Here is what really matters...

It shouldn't matter HOW we mother, or WHAT KIND of mother we are! We are mothers. We all do our very best to take care of our littles and it shouldn't matter how we do it. We shouldn't look down on each other for being different. Women especially mothers have it hard enough, and already have society looking down on them for one thing or another! So moms here is the you and instead of looking down on another mother for doing it differently encourage her. Come along side her. We as woman and mothers need to be building each other up not bringing each other down.

So from one MOM (simply a mom) to another good job moms! Keep up the good work!

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