Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Don't forget your umbrella

I grew up in a house where my mother took no shit. I'm sorry for the "bad" word but there is just no other word I could use, that's just how it was.

I take even less so when it comes to my boys.

For example, my youngest son works a lot with early intervention. The other day my middle little was home "sick" and was yelling and screaming and not getting his own way, so he was running away. I simply looked at him right in front of the therapist here from early intervention and said

"ok Blake that's fine. Its chilly so wear a sweat shirt, oh and you might want to bring an umbrella its supposed to rain"

I am shocked that childrens services did not show up at my door that night because she gave me a look of sheer terror. She could not believe that I would be ok with the fact that my son was "running away." Maybe she thought I was seriously ok with it. Maybe it didn't occur to her that he says this numerous times a day and usually takes one step outside of our gate turns around with tears in his eyes, says he is sorry and comes running back for a hug. Or, maybe she is the kind of mom who coddles her kids.

Don't get me wrong. If she wants to coddle her kids, to run to them every time they fall down, to gasp every time her toddler weebles or wobbles that's totally her prerogative. In my house if there is no blood your probably ok. Even if there is your not going to find me running over gasping and gushing all over them because, with my kids at least, that just scares them and makes them more nervous and gets them even more upset than they already are.

However, I don't like getting the dirty looks for how I choose to parent.

Now I wont lie. When my oldest little was tiny I was probably making sure that every tiny drop of snot was swept away by a tissue laden with lotion instead of today where id probably say use your sleeve (I have three boys give me a break)

However the point here ladies (and gentleman) is that it really doesn't matter. Coddle your kids go for it. Don't take their shit that's cool to. Go for that in between that's awesome. But keep those stupid judgy stares to yourself because those are sooooooooo not needed!

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