Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Give us some space and a broken vagina

So yesterday I am in in the ER waiting room FOREVER (apparently I have some gall stones yay for me) so any way I'm sitting there and there and I over hear the nurses saying that there is a new mama coming in.

She apparently had her baby five days prior and was bleeding really, really badly. Her doctor told her to go to the ER, he was already in the office and said the ER doctor should see her and then just call him and tell him what happened.

So sure enough I am sitting there and in comes this poor mama. She is in tears because she had to leave her baby at home. She asked the nurse how long they thought she was going to be there, and the nurses told her that she was going to be here at least a few hours.

Well let me tell you, this poor girl just broke down and started sobbing. She said that she is breast feeding and that she has to feed her baby. That she doesn't want to have her baby come to the hospital because she doesn't want her baby to get sick. I felt so bad for her, but the nurse...the nurse just rolls her eyes and asks her why she didn't pump before she left.

Again in tears this poor girls says that her doctor told her that she shouldn't pump for at least three weeks because she wont be making much milk until then and that way she will avoid any nipple confusion. The response of the nurse was to again roll her eyes and say that perhaps this poor thing should get herself a new doctor. ( I mean I tend to agree any doctor who just ships his patent off to the ER and wants nothing to do with them isn't the best of doctors but still)


With my last son, now we are talking number three. I felt like such an idiot. Yes an idiot! In the hospital they make me feel like nothing I do is right and that if I am not doing it their way I must not be doing it right at all and I just can't stand it! I could not wait to get out of there so that I could just get comfortable and get to know my baby without someone hovering over me.

When they laid my third little on me the first thing I did was drop the top of my gown and bring him to my breast and sure as shootin he latched right on. I had two nurses the one was thrilled. The other however was soooo annoyed. She wanted to clean him all up. She was like umm does he really have to eat now. I totally ignored her. I was in pure bliss that me and my littlest of little men were bonding and that I had the opportunity to do so. (do to emergent situations I didn't have the chance with my first two)

Before I was able to take him home I had to show them that I knew how to change him and bath him and all that good stuff...I was like legit? I have two boys at home. They have been fed and changed and bathed and so on, I know how to do this. It's just so awful.

I feel like (and forgive me if it is not like this where you are) even though many doctors and hospitals preach on skin to skin and how important it is to spend time with your baby and get comfortable with your baby etc they just don't really mean it if it gets in their way, of its not the way that THEY would get comfortable, or if its the way THEY would breast feed or the way THEY would change the baby etc.

So lovely doctors nurses and hospitals here is my idea or words of advice to you. Help us pop those babies out. Make sure we don't bleed out all over the floor that our babies are not blue and leave us alone. Yup that's right you heard me...leave us alone!! Give us a chance (especially first time moms) to learn how to be a mom. We have been doing this since the beginning of time. When a baby is born so is a mom. If you are always pushing your way to do things down a mom's throat they are never going to feel comfortable. Sure I want you to pop in and see if I need help, or to answer my questions etc. But I want you to give us moms some SPACE. Let us figure out what works best for us and for our babies. That way when we go home, we are not starting at square one again! Just let us do our thing...we'll be alright, not to mention it will make your shift a hell of a lot easier.

Oh and as for that poor mama...I over heard the nurses giving report...and that woman deserves a gold metal, flowers, chocolate, wine, and some diamonds because she had a fractured cervix, yes that's right a fractured cervix...a broken vagina ladies...and here she was crying because she was worried about nipple confusion...shoot I would have been crying about having to sit down. I tip my hat and raise my glass to mystery mama in the ER.

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