Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What we think...But never say!

So we as moms, and I'm sorry but if you disagree you are lying to yourself, think things but we never say them out loud.

I think the biggest secret we try and keep is....ok ladies take a deep breath...get ready....


I will keep it in no more! Let me tell you why I decided to shout this from the roof tops. This past week has been rough. These past few days have been crazy tough and rumble rough. I mean whoa its been hard. Between some things with the hubster, with the boys, with them starting school again etc I am so tired I almost brushed my teeth with diaper rash cream.

So I decided I was going to sit down and take some me time. I was going to watch and entire movie (while eating my lunch) from start to finish. I picked that movie "Mom's night out" thinking it would just be an awesome funny movies about moms.

Well I started out laughing but ended up with tears rolling down my cheeks. Good tears, cathartic, therapeutic tears. Here is the quote that got the tears started...

"He loves you. No matter who you are, no matter what you do, or how far you run, Jesus will always love you with his arms open wide just for being you."

The character (who is played by the always handsome Trace Adkins) went on to say...

"I doubt the good lord make a mistake giving our kids to you. So you just be you, and let Him to the rest"

Those are amazing words. Seriously mama's read them again! How many of us feel like failures because the house is a mess, or the kids are throwing a fit, or because we are tired, or we just need a moment to ourselves but we are looking at the mom down the street who from the outside looking in has it all together so we must be doing something wrong. (I know I do)



Yanno that awesome quote "the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world?" I mean come on ladies if that's not giving us mom props I don't know what is! I think we just need to take a deep breath sometimes and realize that, yeah, we love being moms its the best job in the world and all that jazz but its hard. It's ok that we find it hard. It's ok we have some bad days. It's ok if your still in your yoga pants at 3 in the afternoon, its ok if you need to lock yourself in the bathroom for a few minutes and eat a candy bar and read tasteless gossip magazines to gain back your sanity, because we're moms, and its hard.

No more holding it in moms! We as moms are always so busy trying to look like we've got it all together just like the mom down the street, but guess what she is probably crying by the washing machine herself just praying for a mom to come  along and commiserate with. So instead of having a mask in place smile at the mom standing next to you at drop off and say, "man this is tough sometimes" I bet she gives you a knowing smile, and I bet it will make her day. I know it would make mine.

so one more time....


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