Monday, September 29, 2014

Already on the crazy train? Whats one more passenger?

How do you know?

I mean, how do you really...without the shadow of a doubt, for sure, know that you don't want to have any more children?

When I met my husband we were crazy! We knew (and still know) this amazing couple who has nine children. They make it work, they legit have it all together and I think that is amazing. That is what we wanted. We were going for ten!

Then we had 1. We decided 10..nope, no way, nuh uh, not for us. We tried and tried and tried and finally got pregnant with number two (after a miscarriage) as they began getting older is when we started to realize that our two littles had some special needs and life started getting a little bit crazy.

We went from being cramped in a pretty decent three bedroom apartment, into a hotel for a month, into a really crappy two bedroom apartment where SURPRISE we found out we were unexpectedly pregnant with number 3. This was not in the cards, this was not in the plans. I mean where were we gonna put this baby?

That's it! We were done! I mean heck we were done after 2 and here comes number 3. But hmmm here comes baby number three and when he was six months old we moved into our gorgeous house. he was a little blessing number three and the most laid back little boy you could ever hope to meet. His smile lights up a room and he just rolls with it.

Now "baby" number three is going on three years old. Not such a baby any more. We sit and we look at him and we get a little sad about the fact that soon he will be at preschool age. That he wont be around all the time any more. That many of the "firsts" we have done for the last time. But then something gets spilled or thrown or we hear screaming or punches are thrown and we are snapped into reality and think nope, no, nu uh we are done...right? are we?

That got me to thinking. How do you moms and dads, husbands, wives, baby mamas baby daddys and the lot of ya know when your done? finished? Totally out of the game? I mean yeah wowza is life crazy around here with two boys with special needs. I am sure lots of your lives are crazy too. I also look at it like this though....If your already taking a ride of the crazy train what is one more passenger?

So out of morbid curiosity? How did you know? Did you ever know? I'm not sure this mom will ever 100% know for sure that I'm finished and that's ok.

As always have something to share fell free. Like what you read please share!


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